Thursday, May 28, 2009

Poop & More Poop!

Today's ride consisted of a daring 18.53 mile ride from 88th/Colorado to REI ... that's 1.5 hours of actual ride time. Our new friend "Richard" took a picture of the Saints @ REI ... or NOT! He thought he took a picture but all he really did was fondle my cell phone!

You'll be happy to know that starting the ride a little bit later in the morning allows for the river dwellers to get up & around before the Saints come riding by. This is a good thing ... fewer people to dodge.

Anne scooped up a table @ Starbucks while Janelle went in to order a cool, refreshing drink. Upon her return she pointed out to the oblivious Saint Anne that there was a large bird poop on her side of the table. YUCK! Napkins were gathered and utilized just in time for another dropping to land on Janelle's side of the table (and touch Janelle's helmet)! Anne gasped loudly and tried to save the helmet, thus knocking Janelle's yummy drink to the ground. More poop, more napkins, etc. etc. etc. Sorry about the drink Janelle ... I'll buy your next cold one. After two close calls, the Saints moved away from the side of the building & glared at the poopy bird resting on the roof top. Anne shared her vast amount of knowledge regarding sphincters ... did you know that birds don't have sphincters? True story! You can probably use that one in Trivial Pursuit. Other un-named sphincters were also discussed but we won't go into that here.

During today's ride it was motioned and seconded (we are required to do that in official Saintly meetings) that Anne and Janelle do the river ride some glorious afternoon and meet Andy and Phil at My Brother's Bar (just around the corner). Being the avid cyclists that we are you probably guessed that we would then bike back North thus avoiding rush hour traffic. NOT! BUI is a serious offense & we would never break the law (or the bike)!

That's it for now ... off to make a large bank deposit (don't tell the bad guys) and mail some paychecks. Peace!

Saint Anne

1 comment:

  1. So where is the post describing the Venus de Miles 2009 event? Have you come back yet? Did you join the other team? Are you too sore to blog? Inquiring mind what to know!
